Some of the more fanciful reactions to the WikiLeaks thing remind me a bit of a 
standard tactic used by the pre-'94 South African government, only somehow in 
reverse. Whenever an anti-apartheid activist got bumped off it was almost like 
clockwork, the SA government response would come, "Actually he was one of ours, 
working undercover. I mean, we don't go about killing people ..." - though this 
was often disseminated by subtler means than press releases. That way the 
victim's own constituency could be blamed for the murder.

Now some are saying of Assange, "Actually he's one of theirs ..."

Me, I don't know. One can never know, really, though naturally one's partial 
knowledge informs one's positions. What's important is one's response to an 
as a proposal, i.e. where one stands on the idea of this or that being true.


-Dawie Coetzee

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 1 January, 2011 6:30:18
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Alabama Town's Failed Pension is a Warning (NYT-article)

AlterNet / By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd and Tana Ganeva

8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media

Shredding the corporate media's malicious attacks on WikiLeaks.

December 31, 2010
The corporate media's tendency to blare misinformation and outright 
fabrications has been particularly egregious in coverage of 
WikiLeaks. As Glenn Greenwald has argued, mainstream news outlets are 
parroting smears and falsehoods about the whistleblower site and its 
founder Julian Assange, helping to perpetuate a number of "zombie 
lies" -- misconceptions that refuse to die no matter how much they 
conflict with known reality, basic logic and well-publicized 

Here are the bogus narratives that keep appearing in newspapers and 
on the airwaves.

1. Fearmongering that WikiLeaks revelations will result in deaths. So 
far there's no evidence that WikiLeaks' revelations have cost lives. 
In fact, right before the cables were released, Pentagon officials 
admitted there were no documented instances of people being killed 
because of information exposed by WikiLeaks' previous document 
releases (and unlike the diplomatic cables, the Afghanistan files 
were unredacted).

That's not to say that the exposure of secret government files can't 
somehow lead to someone, somewhere, someday, being hurt. But that's a 
pretty high bar to set, especially by a government engaged in 
multiple military operations -- many of them secret -- that lead to 
untold civilian casualties.

2. Spreading the lie that WikiLeaks posted all the cables. WikiLeaks 
has posted fewer than 2,000 of the 251,287 cables in its possession. 
The whistleblower released those documents in tandem with major news 
outlets including the Guardian, El Pais and Le Monde, and used most 
of the redactions employed by those papers to protect the identities 
of people whose lives could be endangered by exposure. The AP 
detailed this process in a December 3 article, but this did not stop 
officials and pundits from howling that WikiLeaks "indiscriminately" 
dumped all the cables online. Much of the media mindlessly repeated 
the claim.

Greenwald and others have battled to kill the myth that the 
whistleblower site threw up all the cables without taking any 
precautions to protect people, but it keeps coming up. Just this week 
NPR issued an apology for all the times contributors and guests have 
implied or outright voiced the falsehood that WikiLeaks blindly 
posted all the cables at once.

3. Falsely claiming that Assange has committed a crime regarding 
WikiLeaks. The State Department is working really hard to pin a crime 
on Julian Assange. The problem is that so far he doesn't appear to 
have broken any laws. Assange is not a U.S. citizen, he does not work 
for the U.S. government, and the documents WikiLeaks posted were 
procured by someone else. As Greenwald has repeatedly pointed out, 
it's not against the law to publish classified U.S. government 
information. If it were, hundreds of journalists would be in prison 
right now.

While the government tries to conjure up a legal justification for 
prosecuting Assange, the media is helping out by fanning the 
narrative that he's some criminal mastermind. Major outlets continue 
to host guests who accuse Assange of criminal behavior without quite 
specifying what his crime is. In a much derided CNN debate between 
Bush Homeland Security adviser Fran Townsend and Glenn Greenwald 
hosted by Jessica Yellin, Greenwald had to repeatedly bat away the 
assertion that Assange has "profited" from "criminal" acts.

The effort to tar Assange as a criminal -- spearheaded by government 
officials and helped along by the media -- may have a chilling effect 
on future whistleblowers.

4. Denying that WikiLeaks is a journalistic enterprise. Public 
officials and pundits continue to claim that WikiLeaks is not a 
journalistic outlet, even though it procured the scoop of a decade. 
But much of what WikiLeaks does is identical to the activities of 
other news sources. WikiLeaks receives secrets from anonymous 
sources, which it then reveals to the public -- news is nothing if 
not a checks and balances system for the government, a fundamental 
right of a free press. Secondly, it curates those secrets before 
revealing them -- a journalist selecting relevant and appropriate 
material from a confidential document is not that different from 
WikiLeaks redacting certain parts of the cables.

Because WikiLeaks' actions fall under the First Amendment, all 
journalists should be outraged if the American government attempts to 
prosecute. If WikiLeaks is prosecuted for conducting a journalistic 
enterprise, what rights will be stripped from journalists in the 
future? One of the most respected journalistic institutions in the 
world, the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, is 
speaking out. Earlier this month, 20 faculty members drafted and 
signed a letter to President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder 
saying that WikiLeaks' prosecution will set a "dangerous precedent 
for reporters in any publication or medium, potentially chilling 
investigative journalism and other First Amendment-protected activity 
... Prosecution in the Wikileaks case would greatly damage American 
standing in free-press debates worldwide and would dishearten those 
journalists looking to this nation for inspiration."

The Walkley Foundation, an institution of journalism in Assange's 
home of Australia, put it more succinctly in its own letter of 
support for WikiLeaks: "To aggressively attempt to shut WikiLeaks 
down, to threaten to prosecute those who publish official leaks, and 
to pressure companies to cease doing commercial business with 
WikiLeaks, is a serious threat to democracy, which relies on a free 
and fearless press."

5. Denying a link between Ellsberg's Pentagon Papers and WikiLeaks, 
despite Ellsberg's support of the site. In 1969, Daniel Ellsberg 
secretly photocopied classified documents that proved the Johnson 
administration had lied to the American public about the chances of 
winning the Vietnam War, which it knew from the beginning were slim 
to none. By 1970, Ellsberg had become disillusioned with the 
desperate situation and began circulating the documents, first to 
U.S. senators, then to the New York Times, which reported the 
contents in a groundbreaking series of articles that set in motion 
the end to the war...and the Nixon administration. By doing so, he 
helped end an unjust war carried out in the name of the American 
people. His actions are widely heralded.

In a parallel scenario, WikiLeaks is acting the part of the Times and 
other outlets that reported the Pentagon Papers -- releasing 
information of secret, and in many cases, unjust actions carried out 
in the name of the American people without our knowledge. Alleged 
leaker Bradley Manning is the Ellsberg in this situation; similarly, 
if chats between himself and Adrian Lamo printed in Wired are true, 
he unleashed the cables out of an overwhelming sense of justice, 
saying, "I want people to see the truth regardless of who they are 
because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a 

Earlier this month, Ellsberg appeared on the Colbert Report and 
praised Manning. "If Bradley Manning did what he's accused of, then 
he's a hero of mine and I think he did a great service to this 
country," said Ellsberg. "We're not in the mess we're in, in the 
world, because of too many leaks....I say there should be some 
secrets. But I also say we invaded Iraq illegally because of a lack 
of a Bradley Manning at that time."

6. Accusing Assange of profiting from WikiLeaks. Newspapers this week 
led with reports that Assange has signed a lucrative book deal, 
information that inspired mainstream outlets like CNN to mock Assange 
for "profiting" from the cables despite his anti-corporate ideology. 
In the CNN interview mentioned above, Jessica Yellin asked Glenn 
Greenwald if he had "Any qualms about the fact that he is essentially 
profiting from classified information." Greenwald pointed out that 
Assange is hardly profiting from the leaked materials, but rather 
trying to make a dent in the legal fees he's accruing as governments 
around the world go after him. Greenwald also pointed out that trying 
to make money from journalism is pretty routine in the profession. 
Bob Woodward, for example, has written multiple books based on 
classified documents.

7. Calling Assange a terrorist. Last week Vice-President Joe Biden, 
part of an administration that's overseen the escalation of the 
disastrous war in Afghanistan, joined Mitch McConnell and Sarah Palin 
in calling Assange a "terrorist."

As far as we know, Assange's leaks haven't killed anyone. Nor has he 
threatened to perpetrate violence to promote a political agenda, the 
definition of terrorism. Nevertheless public officials continue to 
try to link Assange to terrorism in the public consciousness.

8. Minimizing the significance of the cables. Even though only a tiny 
fraction of the cables have been released, many critics promote the 
idea that they reveal "nothing new" and are therefore of no value. 
But even the cables released so far have contained important 
revelations about the U.S. and its allies.

Here are just a few of the stories revealed by the documents:

-- U.S. special forces working inside Pakistan

-- UK agreed to shield U.S. interests in Iraq probe
-- Secret bombings of Yemen
-- State Department role in the Honduran coup
-- U.S. pressured Spain to drop Bush torture probe

-- U.S. sought to retaliate against Europe over refusing to allow 
Monsanto GM crops

-- Drug Enforcement Agency goes global, beyond drugs,_beyond_drugs

-- Shell's grip on the Nigerian state

The promise that the next release will target a U.S. bank, and that 
it will have an effect similar to the Enron disclosures, according to 
Assange, certainly portends that the trove of information we haven't 
yet seen could be explosive. And that is incredibly valuable to the 
American public.

Julianne Escobedo Shepherd is an associate editor at AlterNet and a 
Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. Formerly the executive 
editor of The FADER, her work has appeared in VIBE, SPIN, New York 
Times and various other magazines and websites. Tana Ganeva is an 
AlterNet editor.

>Hello Peter

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