Interesting, if a bit vulgar-libertarian towards the end. But conspicuously 
absent is mention of the West's long-standing use of the military in general 
and wars in particular as sinks for inevitable surplus output. And though much 
may indeed be said about current electronics-based innovations it 
is very easy to lose sight of the fact that the manufacture of basic 
electronic hardware is more dependent on maintaining volume and, hence, 
dumping surplus than perhaps any manufacturing practice in history. (I've yet 
to undertake an analysis of computing 
outside chip mills and the Future Machine. It is a daunting task for 
which I fear I lack the necessary technical detail.The theorists in the field 
tend to be technophiles who proceed from an unreasoned assumption of the 
simple "thereness" of the requisite hardware, without the need to 
manufacture it or to buy it: I would be wary of their assistance.)

However, though war is a long-established way of creating economic demand out 
of thin air it is quite probable that the world is running out of the 
ability to respond to that demand as we speak. Something has to give.


Dawie Coetzee

> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 13:34
>Subject: [Biofuel] Learn To Make Terror Your Friend
>Learn To Make Terror Your Friend
>By Doug Casey
>January 08, 2012 "Lew Rockwell" --  As you know, I think we're moving 
>into an era of intense international conflict. And during the next 
>ten years, you can plan your life around the US being in the middle 
>of anything and everything that even vaguely resembles a war. It 
>promises to be unpleasant, inconvenient and dangerous.
>This article - which is long, but not nearly long enough to cover the 
>subject in as much detail as it deserves - explains why military 
>conflicts are in store, what they're going to be like and what might 
>be the morality of the matter. This last has some importance, because 
>we're talking in good part about terror. And, to paraphrase 
>Nietzsche, you may not be interested in terror, but terror is 
>interested in you.
>A Matter Of Definition
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