Thankyou Fritz, that's a message worth spreading.

Greta's plan is appealing, strength to her elbow. But what odds 
you'll all just be added to the terrorist list?

There are more than a million names on the FBI's list of terrorists, 
with 20,000 new names added per month. We all know how accurate it is 
and the sort of information it's based on, and there's no resource if 
you're on it, no presumption of innocence, no habeus corpus, no 
rights at all.

All sorts of people turn out to be terrorists - if you take a video 
of the conditions at a Smithfield factory farm, that makes you a 
terrorist, or hug the wrong tree, or wear the wrong kind of watch:

"... A vast majority of the prisoners who populated Guantanamo during 
the prison's first year in operation were innocent bystanders sold to 
US forces for hefty bounty payments or were captured and sent to 
Guantanamo because they wore the same style Casio watch that members 
of al-Qaeda wore."
-- "It Was a Sunny Day", 11 January 2012

"While the Bush administration insisted that the 775 people who were 
imprisoned at Guantanamo were "the worst of the worst," according to 
the US government's own records, 92 percent of them had no connection 
whatsoever to Al-Qaeda or terrorism. Only seven individuals-less than 
one percent of those detained-have ever been charged with any crime. 
The vast majority were hapless victims of the US terror war, sold to 
the Americans for bounties offered in Pakistan and Afghanistan or 
grabbed off the streets elsewhere solely because of their nationality 
and religion."
-- "Guantanamo: A decade of US torture and repression", 13 January 2012

"The TSA has gone beyond civilized limits in its quest for what 
blogger Christopher Elliott calls 'jihadist grannies.' This refers to 
several strip searches of women in their 80s or 90s, sometimes 
forcing them out of wheelchairs. Just to show that they are equal 
opportunity abusers of human dignity, other agents conducted 
intrusive patdowns of children as young as three... Global airline 
security systems assume that every passenger might be a terrorist, 
when in reality terrorists are hiding like the proverbial needle in 
the haystack. The way insecurity officials go about the search, 
hassling everyone, they are likely to be pricked in the backside by 
the needle, while the hay is trampled."
-- "Equal-opportunity purveyor of useless abuse", Jan. 13, 2012

Or your name's Ted Kennedy: 

Or indeed if you "set sail without permission", whether bound for 
Gaza or not, or if you do anything without permission.

It seems just about everybody is under suspicion, or if they're not 
they should be. Activists and campaigners are probably to be seen as 
terrorists, including OWS (police raids on OWS were coordinated with 
the FBI and Homeland Security), not to mention Julian Assange, 
Bradley Manning and Anonymous.

"The Army is reading your Bradley Manning tweets - Military public 
affairs officials in WikiLeaks case use software that specializes in 
tracking Twitter", Jan 10, 2012

"Are Drones Watching You?" January 11, 2011, EFF

"Homeland Security watches Twitter, social media", Jan 11, 2012

Maybe a good definition of who's definitely not a terrorist would be 
the 1% and their minions (though in the real world they're about the 
worst terrorists there are).

What would happen if, say, a hundred million people took up Greta's 
idea and they all insisted on adding their names to HR bill 3131, and 
all duly got added to the terrorist list? Would Washington just 
quadruple the spook budget and they'd all be delighted, or would the 
whole thing collapse under its own toxic weight?

Maybe they could just apply direct to the FBI, providing personal 
details and asking please to be added to the list of terrorists 
because they sympathise with some of the people already on it or they 
wear the same kind of watch or whatever.

I suppose all the above defines me as a terrorist sympathiser. No, 
I'm not a terrorist sympathiser, though unless you've poked your eyes 
out it's very easy to see why it happens, and I've been warning about 
dragon's teeth for years, and about how justice and rights in 
post-9/11 America were being shredded under the comforting banner of 
"keeping Americans safe", along with lots of cry-wolf fear-mongering 
by the national security industrial complex.

I'm a justice sympathiser. It would be nice to see some justice for 
the nine Free Gaza activists the IDF killed in May 2010, just for 
starters. But what about the 10 dead IDF soldiers? Sorry, but I have 
about as much sympathy for them as for the 4,801 US soldiers killed 
in the war on Iraq, as opposed to the estimated 1,455,590 Iraqis who 
got slaughtered, and the half million Iraqi children killed before 
the war even started.

"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think the price 
is worth it." - US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, interviewed 
on 60 Minutes, 5/12/96

"As difficult as [the Iraq war] was Š I think the price has been 
worth it, to establish a stable government in a very important region 
of the world." - US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Dec. 16, 2011



>Hi Keith,
>here post I received from Greta Berlin (Irish-Gaza Friends)
>It seems to me this would fit well the topic
>HR bill 3131 is" in committee" according to this website
> under the "full
>text" number 21. Our captain on the Free Gaza boat, the first boat into Gaza
>in 41 years,  John Klusmire, is specifically named as violating Greek
>orders. But it's much more than that, as you can see below:
>"To direct the Secretary of State to submit a report on whether any support
>organization that participated in the planning or execution of the recent
>Gaza flotilla attempt should be designated as a foreign terrorist
>organization and any actions taken by the Department of State to express
>gratitude to the government of Greece for preventing the Gaza flotilla from
>setting sail in contravention of Israel's legal blockade of Gaza, and for
>other purposes."
>(21) Greek authorities boarded ships and took into custody several
>individuals, including Captain John Klusmire of the ship Audacity of Hope as
>it violated Greek Coast Guard orders by setting sail without permission.
>We are gathering names of those of us who will INSIST on putting our own
>names on this bill if our representatives do not remove John's. If you are
>an American citizen and you want your name added to this evil bill, please
>email me directly, and I will send the names on to the American contingent.
>The only way we can defeat something like this is if we are all willing to
>stand up for John and stand up for justice.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Keith Addison
>Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 2:10 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Learn To Make Terror Your Friend
>Hi Dawie
>>Interesting, if a bit vulgar-libertarian towards the end.
>Yes, it's at the Lew Rockwell site, but I thought it was useful
>anyway. So it seems did Tom Feeley at ICH.
>>But conspicuously absent is mention of the West's long-standing use
>>of the military in general and wars in particular as sinks for
>  >inevitable surplus output. And though much may indeed be said about
>>current electronics-based innovations it
>>is very easy to lose sight of the fact that the manufacture of basic
>>electronic hardware is more dependent on maintaining volume and, hence,
>>dumping surplus than perhaps any manufacturing practice in history.
>I think it's also a sink for dumping surplus labour.
>"If unemployment was calculated the way BLS did it in 1994 and
>earlier, it would be 22.4%."
>-- Unemployment Drop Masks Ongoing Decline
>9 JANUARY 2012
>The US poverty rate is higher than that.
>I wonder where the troops returning from Iraq are going to find jobs,
>and how they'll view Obama's glowing tribute when they don't.
>>(I've yet to undertake an analysis of computing
>>outside chip mills and the Future Machine. It is a daunting task for
>>which I fear I lack the necessary technical detail.The theorists in
>>the field tend to be technophiles who proceed from an unreasoned
>>assumption of the
>>simple "thereness" of the requisite hardware, without the need to
>>manufacture it or to buy it: I would be wary of their assistance.)
>>However, though war is a long-established way of creating economic
>>demand out of thin air it is quite probable that the world is
>>running out of the
>>ability to respond to that demand as we speak. Something has to give.
>Indeed. Meanwhile, here's a fight to be savoured:
>Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street - Financial Elite Start
>Turning On Each Other
>By David DeGraw -
>Wednesday, January 11, 2012
>All best
>>Dawie Coetzee
>>>   From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  >>To:
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 13:34
>>>Subject: [Biofuel] Learn To Make Terror Your Friend
>>>Learn To Make Terror Your Friend
>>>By Doug Casey
>>>January 08, 2012 "Lew Rockwell" --  As you know, I think we're moving
>>>into an era of intense international conflict. And during the next
>>>ten years, you can plan your life around the US being in the middle
>>>of anything and everything that even vaguely resembles a war. It
>>>promises to be unpleasant, inconvenient and dangerous.
>>>This article - which is long, but not nearly long enough to cover the
>>>subject in as much detail as it deserves - explains why military
>>>conflicts are in store, what they're going to be like and what might
>>>be the morality of the matter. This last has some importance, because
>  >>we're talking in good part about terror. And, to paraphrase
>>>Nietzsche, you may not be interested in terror, but terror is
>>>interested in you.
>>>A Matter Of Definition
>  >  ><snip>

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