Hi Robert

For your blog, it might be interesting to compare Leo Strauss with 
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and the ecological economists. There's 
quite a lot in the list archives about Georgescu-Roegen.



>      I spent some time there and appreciate the reasoned logic of the
>positions presented.  But did you read the comments?  This sort of thing
>is precisely what I deal with all the time:
>      " This site is hilarious!  I notice that most of the "rebuttals"
>were posted five years ago, so I'm guessing the East Anglia scandal,
>NASA recently discovering that more heat is escaping the atmosphere than
>previously expected (thus rendering all climate models null and void),
>and Michael Mann's hockey stick graph being proven to be statistical
>bollocks by Canadian researchers, has taken the wind out of your sails,
>hey lad?  Oh, and we can't forget CERN can we?  Those pesky hacks over
>in Europe who just proved that neutrinos can travel faster than the
>speed of light, and who also spanked ACC theorists by pointing out that
>climate change is being caused by the sun and cosmic rays.  Oh I know, I
>know. Those fools!  Those damn flat-earthers!  Granted, 1,300,000 Earths
>could fit into the Sun and a rogue solar flare would turn our planet
>into a toasted marshmallow, but anyone who honestly believes that solar
>phenomenon could impact our climate are obviously delusional denialists."

The tone is always the same, and it always reminds me of conspiracy 
theorists - different song, same tune. Unlike Wagner, it's even worse 
than it sounds. (Avtually, so is Wagner, IMHO.)



>On 2/4/2012 3:27 PM, Keith Addison wrote:
>>  Interesting posts at your blog, Robert.
>      When I objected to my best friend's badgering about writing a blog
>by claiming that no one would care what I think, he said, "Not true! 
>You're very INTERESTING!"
>       People have accused me of being humorless, but no one has ever
>said I wasn't interesting, or thoughtless . . .
>      ;)
>>  This is also useful:
>>  How to talk to a climate skeptic
>>  http://grist.org/series/skeptics/
>      I spent some time there and appreciate the reasoned logic of the
>positions presented.  But did you read the comments?  This sort of thing
>is precisely what I deal with all the time:
>      " This site is hilarious!  I notice that most of the "rebuttals"
>were posted five years ago, so I'm guessing the East Anglia scandal,
>NASA recently discovering that more heat is escaping the atmosphere than
>previously expected (thus rendering all climate models null and void),
>and Michael Mann's hockey stick graph being proven to be statistical
>bollocks by Canadian researchers, has taken the wind out of your sails,
>hey lad?  Oh, and we can't forget CERN can we?  Those pesky hacks over
>in Europe who just proved that neutrinos can travel faster than the
>speed of light, and who also spanked ACC theorists by pointing out that
>climate change is being caused by the sun and cosmic rays.  Oh I know, I
>know. Those fools!  Those damn flat-earthers!  Granted, 1,300,000 Earths
>could fit into the Sun and a rogue solar flare would turn our planet
>into a toasted marshmallow, but anyone who honestly believes that solar
>phenomenon could impact our climate are obviously delusional denialists."
>      And on it goes . . .  (Until the long Hindi post at the end, which
>utterly confused me.)
>      Last night as I was discussing this kind of response with my
>psychologist friend, he said that most of the objections center on a
>perceived threat to a way of life, or a way of thinking.  The natural
>response to this kind of threat is typically emotional in nature.  What
>makes all of this arguing particularly difficult for me, personally, is
>that people in my family and others who have had a profoundly positive
>influence on my life insist that I've bought into a hoax by believing
>climate change is real and anthropogenic in origin.
>      In other words, there is a significant social cost for me to
>maintain a position that so strongly runs against those in my family and
>among others with whom I attend church.
>      This negative attitude toward climate change is closely linked to
>others that inform the societal behaviors contributing to the problem.
>For example, the people I love who deny climate change also believe that
>resource extraction--particularly oil drilling--should accelerate, that
>neoliberal economic theory is the ONLY viable means by which an economy
>can be sustained (my eldest sister, who is a stock broker, holds this
>view most stridently) because it rewards diligence, that people who are
>poor should simply pull themselves out of poverty by working harder, and
>that the US government is oppressing its people and stifling growth with
>high taxes and regulation.  All of these attitudes grow out of the same
>root, and the climatic changes I'm witnessing are the natural fruit of
>this wicked plant.
>>  What we see happening right in front of our
>>  eyes is happening right in front of their eyes too, but they're blind
>>  to it.
>      Blind, apathetic, or both.  There will be a post under the
>biographical section of the blog which will outline why I esteem
>conservation.  This is a theme that weaves through my experience from
>early childhood, when my favorite place in the world became a garbage
>dump . . .  My eye for what goes on in the natural world developed out
>of my boyhood love for nature, animals and the symbiotic linking of all
>living and nonliving things.  For me, this insight reveals the wisdom of
>God, but to my family, who also claim faith, the world is not so much a
>revelation of incredible fortune and tender, divine care as it is a
>thing to be taken for granted.  The scriptures say we will be judged for
>holding that attitude, yet when I bring that up, their response ranges
>from anger and ridicule to dumbfounded silence.
>>  I suppose there's some dark amusement to be had in the sure knowledge
>>  that their precious opinions aren't even their own, they're just
>>  implants, and not at all in their best interests.
>      True, but those implanted opinions have a nasty way of impacting
>the rest of us, especially those in our world who do not have the
>requisite wealth to more easily cope with increasingly unstable climatic
>conditions.  My garden is more of a hobby than a lifeline because I have
>the luxury of being affluent enough to buy whatever food I want.  That's
>simply not true for most people in the world, and as good citizen of
>this planet AND a believer in Jesus Christ, it's my duty to concern
>myself with the well-being of other people.
>      That's why I think it's important to set a good example, be
>well-informed and willing to educate others on the dangers we're
>facing.  I may pay a social price for this, but I'd rather be a man of
>integrity with few friends than a popular icon with a broken moral compass.
>>  Best solution, IMHO: thump them with a hockey stick.
>      Most of them can thump back quite stridently, Keith . . .
>>  Meanwhile there's a record killer freeze in Japan:
>>  http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120204a1.html
>>  Record lows recorded at 38 locations
>>  And in Europe:
>>  Snow falls in Rome for the first time in 26 YEARS as -36c
>>  temperatures across eastern Europe send death toll to 150
>>  :-(
>      Deep sigh . . .  And of course, those who confuse weather with
>climate have MORE ammunition whenever they hear stories like this.
>Robert Luis Rabello
>Adventure for Your Mind
>Meet the People video:
>Crisis video:
>The Long Journey video:

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