Hi Adrian,

2016-12-21 18:32 GMT+01:00 Adrian Chadd <adrian.ch...@gmail.com>:
> Maybe just "sysctl_export" would be fine.

Good point. Almost all Prometheus metrics exporters use this naming scheme:

~80%: ${foo}_exporter
~20%: prometheus_${foo}_exporter


- https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter
- https://github.com/ewr/elasticsearch_exporter
- https://github.com/jonnenauha/prometheus_varnish_exporter

The reason why I went for the 'prometheus_' prefix was mainly because
of the following totally subjective reasons:

- I didn't want to wreck tab completion. Right now if you type in
'sysc' and press tab, it tends to complete to 'sysctl'.
- This tool is part of the base system, meaning that it will be
present even if the user did nothing special. This is why I wanted the
name to be a bit more self-documenting.
- Thinking ahead: what if we're going to add exporters for other
things as well? E.g., for Sendmail, sshd, ftpd, HAST, etc. In that
case it would be nicer if those exporters shared a common prefix.

That said, if people truly think it's a good idea to call this
sysctl_exporter instead, then I wouldn't mind renaming it.

Thoughts? Opinions?

Ed Schouten <e...@nuxi.nl>
Nuxi, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
KvK-nr.: 62051717
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