On 1221T2006, Ed Schouten wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> 2016-12-21 18:32 GMT+01:00 Adrian Chadd <adrian.ch...@gmail.com>:
> > Maybe just "sysctl_export" would be fine.
> Good point. Almost all Prometheus metrics exporters use this naming scheme:
> ~80%: ${foo}_exporter
> ~20%: prometheus_${foo}_exporter
> Examples;
> - https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter
> - https://github.com/ewr/elasticsearch_exporter
> - https://github.com/jonnenauha/prometheus_varnish_exporter
> The reason why I went for the 'prometheus_' prefix was mainly because
> of the following totally subjective reasons:
> - I didn't want to wreck tab completion. Right now if you type in
> 'sysc' and press tab, it tends to complete to 'sysctl'.

That's a very good reason; it could also be fixed by moving
it from sbin/ to libexec/.

> - This tool is part of the base system, meaning that it will be
> present even if the user did nothing special. This is why I wanted the
> name to be a bit more self-documenting.
> - Thinking ahead: what if we're going to add exporters for other
> things as well? E.g., for Sendmail, sshd, ftpd, HAST, etc. In that
> case it would be nicer if those exporters shared a common prefix.

Another advantage of having the "prometheus" in the name is that it's
easily googlable, and it clearly indicates the "protocol" (in the wide
meaning) one is supposed to use to talk to it.

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