On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, Rui Paulo wrote:

There's a lengthy discussion about this on another mailing list.

This is unlikely to be changed and emailing the committer who provided valuable time on this code wastes his time and everyone else's.

So the user - the person to whom the software is made, theoretically - don't have the right to disagree when he sees a change that looks confusing "because the committers's time is too valuable". Sorry, I was not aware of that policy. Please forgive my audacity. Keep in mind that we, the users, are a bunch of idiots that don't like to become astonished by sudden changes in the meaning of the symbols that we use to see. Thanks God we have you, the holly committers to protect us from our own ignorance.

You said that, I didn't. Please refrain from distorting my own words. If you want something discussed, do it on the other list and, please, do it with a grown up attitude because, quite frankly, what you wrote doesn't make sense.

Guys, this is getting out of hand. All three messages in this thread were over the top, and a step back would be healthy at this point. Please assume that everyone involved here is a reasonable person, and that the origin of this disagreement lies in miscommunication: Rui assumed Carlos saw the (extensive) original thread and wasn't letting it die, and most likely Carlos never saw the thread and now feels unfairly accused. I certainly missed the original thread myself, and was a bit taken aback by Rui's reply until I managed to dig it up and see more context. Continuing the discussion any further would be unproductive, in this light. So, please, give it a rest.

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