On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 01:06:44PM +0000, David Chisnall wrote:

> > On 5 Mar 2015, at 12:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov <s...@zxy.spb.ru> wrote:
> > 
> >> netcat - nc(1) - which can also work in the other direction and is 
> >> designed specifically for this purpose.
> > 
> > nc(1) don't correctly work.
> It works for me for everything that I used to use telnet for
> (connection testing, checking plain-text protocols, although
> increasingly I have to use openssl s_client because few things speak
> TCP without SSL), what cases does it not work for you?

In previos message -- silently return when telnet speak about used IP
address and diagnostic messages. One simple command do many diagnostic

> > nc don't work with unix socket.
> Okay, now you're changing your requirements - you first spoke of
> remote equipment and network testing.  However, UNIX domain sockets
> appear as files in the filesystem, and we have a host of utilities
> that are capable of interacting with files (unless they're
> message-oriented, but then telnet doesn't help either).

I am know only about telnet can connect to unix socket.

> >>> How to connect to mpd control socket?!
> >> 
> >> mpdcon from the command line, MPDroid from my mobile, or nc if you're a 
> >> masochist.
> > 
> > MPDroid?! wut? Or you just don't know about mpd?
> The one that I'm familiar with is the music player daemon.  The other common 
> use of the initalism is multiple personality disorder.  If you mean something 
> else, then you should probably say what it is, rather than rely on other 
> people understanding some obscure term (hint: you're not doing yourself any 
> favours in justifying that this is a widespread requirement if people reading 
> your post can't even tell what the requirement is).  

> If you meant the mpd5 package then... well, if you're installing one thing 
> from packages then installing another is not really likely to be an issue.  

yes, mpd5. package can be already installed (time ago).
and now connection broken.
for diagnostic i am use telnet to mpd5 control socket.

> Anyway, from your follow up to Gleb, it seems that your requirement
> is a network testing tool for computers that are not connected to a
> network?  That seems like a sufficiently niche use that you don't
> need to have things in the base system.

Why not? And why before this is will be ok?
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