Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com wrote on
Fri Jan 26 06:02:04 UTC 2018 :

> It's a flaw in C++ that you have a choice here. All dtors should  be
> virtual because you never know when you'll have new derived classes and
> have to hunt down a hard-to-find bug because you didn't go back and make it
> virtual.

The "C++ Coding Standards" book described it this way:

To delete, or not to delete, that is the question: if deleting through
a pointer to base Base should be allowed, then Base's destructor must be
public and virtual. Otherwise, it should be protected and nonvirtual.
. . .
Corollary: Always write a destructor for a base class, because the
implicitly generated one is public and nonvirtual.

See page 90 for more.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( markmi at dsl-only.net is
going away in 2018-Feb, late)

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