I believe that if you set it to hidden, it should… be hidden

> On Feb 23, 2017, at 3:25 AM, Radu Fabian <radu.fab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have main resource ConfigurationResource and the subresource 
> EnvironmentsResource.
> I am using swagger-io api version 1.5.9 with artifact id swagger-jaxrs.
> The swagger is generating tags configuration but without any method inside. 
> If I remove hidden=true from subresource then is OK. It should work with 
> hidden=true as EnvironmentsResource is a subresource and I do not want it to 
> be listed separately. Any idea?
> @Path("/config")
> @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
> @Api(value = "Configuration Resource", description = "Configuration: 
> environments", tags = {"configuration"})
> public class ConfigurationResource {
> @Timed
> @Path("/environments")
> @ApiOperation(value = "environment operation", tags = {"configuration"}, 
> response = EnvironmentsResource.class)
> public EnvironmentsResource getEnvironmentsResource() {
>     return environmentsResourceProvider.get();
> }
> }
> @Api (hidden = true, value="environments", tags = {"configuration"})
> @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
> public class EnvironmentsResource {
> @Timed
> @GET
> @Path("/{id}")
> @ApiOperation(
>         value = "Get environment by id", httpMethod = "GET", response = 
> JsonWrapper.class,
>         notes = "The environments provides a method to get the environment by 
> id")
> @ApiResponses(value = {
>         @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "The content is a descriptor for 
> each of the matching results.")})
> public JsonWrapper getEnvironmentById(@ApiParam(value = "The environment id", 
> required = true, defaultValue = "1")
>                                         @PathParam("id") BigInteger id) {
>               return null;                                                    
> }
> }
> Thank you, very much,
> Radu
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