
thanks for your last example. I found my mistake. 
A copy from my first post, second example:

    - name: sessionInformation
      in: body
      required: true
        $ref: '#/definitions/Session'

I placed a '-' before the name, that causes the trouble and generated the 
mysterious (for me) error: 'is not exactly one from 
<#/definitions/bodyParameter>,<#/definitions/nonBodyParameter>'. If I 
delete the minus, everything is fine.

Thanks, Philipp

Am Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017 23:33:34 UTC+2 schrieb Ron:
> Hi Philipp, 
> The example you gave is indeed buggy, but I don’t know if it’s because the 
> original was buggy, or as you said, being on the road kinda jumped things 
> around. 
> Based on your example, I’m attaching a definition that’s valid – let me 
> know if that helps or if you have any further questions. 
> parameters: 
>   session: 
>     name: session 
>     in: body 
>     schema: 
>       $ref: '#/definitions/sessionData' 
> definitions: 
>   sessionData: 
>     type: object 
>     properties: 
>       sessionId: 
>         type: string 
>       timestamp: 
>         type: string 
> paths: 
>   /services/{serviceId}/start: 
>     parameters: 
>       - name: serviceId 
>         in: path 
>         required: true 
>         type: integer 
>     post: 
>       parameters: 
>         - $ref: '#/parameters/session' 
>       responses: 
>         '200': 
>           description: sample 
> On 13/06/2017, 12:13, "'Philipp' via Swagger" <
> swagger-sw...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
>     So again, I know it. But I also described an alternative (use an 
> object which takes the set of parameter values) that produces a mysterios 
> error in the editor. But still I do not know, if this error is a bug in the 
> editor, or I wrote it in a wrong way, or it is not possible. 
>     I can write something like this: 
>     path: 
>     /services/{serviceId}/start: 
>         parameters: 
>           - name: serviceId 
>             in: path 
>             required: true 
>             type: integer 
>         post: 
>           parameters: 
>             - name: session 
>               in: body 
>               schema: 
>                   ref: '#/definitions/sessionData' 
>     definitions: 
>       sessionData: 
>         type: object 
>         properties: 
>           sessionId: 
>             type: string 
>           timestamp: 
>             type: string 
>            ... 
>     So sessionData contains all my values of my standard parameters as 
> attributes. That works. 
>     But when I try to write it like this to make the session parameter 
> reusable: 
>     parameters: 
>       session 
>       name: session 
>         in: body 
>         schema: 
>           ref: '#/definitions/sessionData' 
>     path: 
>     /services/{serviceId}/start: 
>         parameters: 
>           - name: serviceId 
>             in: path 
>             required: true 
>             type: integer 
>         post: 
>           parameters: 
>             - ref: '#/parameters/session' 
>     definitions: 
>       sessionData: 
>         type: object 
>         properties: 
>           sessionId: 
>             type: string 
>           timestamp: 
>             type: string 
>            ... 
>     I get the error: is not exactly one from 
> <#/definitions/bodyParameter>,<#/definitions/nonBodyParameter> 
>     I do not know what to do with it? Do I have a syntax error, is it not 
> possible, is it a bug in the editor, ...? 
>     I hope my examples is not to buggy because I am on the way and have no 
> access to my original file. Thanks a lot, 
>     Philipp 
>     Am Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017 18:38:02 UTC+2 schrieb Ron: 
>     > So again, you can’t define groups of parameters. 
>     > You can define individual parameters, and reference them one by one 
> from the different paths. 
>     >   
>     > Take a look at 
> https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/guidelines/REUSE.md 
> for more details. 
>     >   
>     >   
>     >   
>     > 
>     > From: 'Philipp' via Swagger <swagger-sw...@googlegroups.com> 
>     > Reply-To: "swagger-sw...@googlegroups.com" <
> swagger-sw...@googlegroups.com> 
>     > Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2017 at 1:10 
>     > To: Swagger <swagger-sw...@googlegroups.com> 
>     > Subject: Re: How to define a set of standard parameters for each 
> path item 
>     > 
>     >   
>     > 
>     > I have a set of data, that should be send as parameter in every 
> single path and I only want to describe them only once. It does not matter 
> if it is designed as a group of parameters that can be referenced by every 
> path, or the data is included in one object and I describe one referencable 
> parameter which contains the object, or... 
>     > It should be something like this (textual style): 
>     > 
>     > 
>     > // see first example in my first post, here I have the problem that 
> myStandardParameter can not be refrerenced, only parameter1 and parameter2 
> can be referenced 
>     > parameters: 
>     >   myStandardParameter: 
>     >     name: parameter1 
>     >       type: string 
>     >     name: parameter2 
>     >       type: ptring 
>     > 
>     > // alternative parameters 
>     > // see secon example in my first post. I was not able to define a 
> reusable parameter that contains an objectItem/schema, I always get a 
> mysterious error (see comment in the mentioned example) 
>     > parameters: 
>     >   myStandardParameter: 
>     >     name: myStandardParameter 
>     >       object: 
>     >         attribute1: string 
>     >         attribute2: string 
>     > 
>     > /path: 
>     >   ... 
>     >   parameters: 
>     >     ref myStandardParameters 
>     >     name AdditionalParameter1 
>     >       type: string 
>     >     name: AdditionalParameter2 
>     >       type: string 
>     > ... 
>     > 
>     > I hope, it is more clear now. Thanks. 
>     > 
>     > Am Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017 02:44:20 UTC+2 schrieb Ron: 
>     > Maybe I misunderstood – are you asking what’s the right way to 
> define a reusable (single) parameter, or whether there’s a way to group a 
> number of parameters and reference them as a whole group once in different 
> paths? 
>     > -- 
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