I am trying to implement Swagger to my rest api which is development with 
Java Spring Boot. There is a problem on model parts of swagger. The problem 
is Detail abstract class and extended classes are not seem in Swagger UI's 
and the other output files. I am just seeing the baseclass with detail 
object as  null.

You can find the code on below.

public class BaseClass {

   @ApiModelProperty(value ="Id of baseClass.", readOnly = true)
    private String     id;

  @ApiModelProperty(value = "Description of baseClass.")
    private String     description;

    @ApiModelProperty(value = "Value is equal to subclass json object value.")
    private Detail     detail;...

My abstract class which is attribute of baseclass.

@ApiModel(value = "Detail",subTypes = {Page.class,Rank.class},discriminator = 
"detail")public abstract class Detail {}

My extended classes from Detail Abstract Class;

Page Class:

@ApiModel(parent = Detail.class,value = "Page")public class Page extends Detail 
       @ApiModelProperty(value = "The page URL.")
        private String                  url;

Rank Class:

 @ApiModel(parent = Detail.class,value = "Rank")
 public class Rank extends Detail {

     @ApiModelProperty(value = "Number List of Rank")
     private List<String> numbers;

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