Jim Leonard wrote:
>Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> >Not the point -- if it's rare, *nobody* has copies.  Which is why I try
> >to collect them -- to make copies before the software is lost forever.
> It's not the Starcross floppies that make the game rare, right? :)

>No, but it *is* the floppies that make Zinderneuf or Fractalus or
>CCnChomp rare.  I have Zinderneuf; I have strong info that CCnChomp
>exists; Fractalus is an unconfirmed rumor.  Honestly, the boxes mean
>jack squat to me right now about those PC titles ;-)

That's different. You probably have that specific game for other
platform(s), right?

> > >But the game is infinitely more interesting to *play* than it is to
> > >at the manual...?  That is the entire point the manual was created
> > >right?
> >
> > No? >:) If it were, Origin could have sold their games with regular
> > maps and stuff. No trinkets or special editions.
> >Yes, but you still need the software.
> But the software I can get anywhere, even download it from the net, on
> extreme situations

>Not for stuff that isn't on the 'net!  If someone doesn't make a copy of
>the software, then how do you expect to download it?

Only extremely exceptional games aren't downloadable from the net. On those
games, of course, having a floppy is extremely important

> >  Trinkets are way cool, I agree,
> >but the software is the entire point they were created in the first
> >place.
> Yes, but sometimes the software doesn't matter! I knew Ultima Ascension
> crap, but I still bought the Dragon Edition for all the goodies

>Again, special case -- the Dragon edition was specifically assembled and
>marketed as a collector's edition.  Most software (sadly) isn't this

Ultima 4/5/6 without trinkets are worth half... Starcross/Suspended without
the pink frisbee (I just love calling the saucer that!) and the mask aren't
worth one tenth, Ultima CPC without the cover art is worth 1/10th too...

> >  Otherwise they could've just sold books with a little pouch of
> >stuff attached to each book.  Would we be collecting those if it were
> >the case?  (hint: no ;-)
> If suddenly Origin started selling old, mint, Ultima 4 manuals (spares),
> they would sell like strawberry muffins! :)

>..and the overall value of Ultima 4 manuals would diminish ;-)

Nah, Origin are (were :| ) experts in reselling stuff as "Special
Editions"! ;)

>But of
>course that won't happen, since Origin is finally dead, gone, and
>buried.  :-(

Not Origin, but Origin-as-we-know-it. :(

I hope RG eventually makes another RPG that dignifies his past.

>What continually confuses me is that there are at least 50 times the
>number of copies of Ultimas, Infocoms, etc. than there are of titles
>like Cyborg for the PC.  Cyborg PC is definitely an extremely rare
>item.  So why isn't it extremely sought after, or valued highly?  Or
>ICON: Quest for the Ring... there were only 1000 made.  Why isn't that
>at the top of everyone's list?

Want me to be honest? I never even heard of either. Maybe it's because
Meretzky and Garriott are more famous than the creators of both? I'm sure
neither is a RPG, or I would have known about them and the creators.

But that's an interesting topic, indeed.

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"


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