Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
>> Centauri Alliance, a sci-fi RPG for the Apple II (and maybe others)
>> came in a hexagonal box.
>> I
>> bought it way back when in part because you could import characters
>> from Might & Magic.  Their magical items would become hi-tech items.
>> I was disappointed with it and never got very far.
>Why disappointed?  It sounds fascinating, especially the party

I don't remember exactly why I was disappointed with it any more.
It's been too long since I played it.  I do seem to recall that some
of the inventory conversions from M&M to CA didn't seem to make much
sense.  I still have it, uh, somewhere.  (Did I see it last night in
my computer desk?  I don't remember.)  I found a page for it at
http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/2762/centauri/main.htm.  And,
FYI, it turns out it was released on the C64, too.

Overall, however, I just don't seem to be cut out for computer RPG's.
I never finished Might & Magic, either.  Members of my party seemed to
get continually killed.  I did manage to map out a pretty sizable
portion of the game before I bought the hint book, though.  I think it
was shortly after I got the hint book that I quit playing.  I don't
remember why.  M&M was the last RPG I played, too.  No time to play
them these days.

You know, for that matter, I don't seem to manage to finish many
RPG/adventure/IF games.  I finished HHGTTG (after I finally got the
!@#$ babel fish) and Bureacracy, but not Maniac Mansion or Nord &
Bert.  For that matter, I bought the collector's edition of X-Wing and
never started the supplemental missions (after destroying the Death
Star).  (I bet that game would scream on my P700.  Especially compared
to the 286-20 I first played it on.)  Maybe I've got ADD.  And maybe
now I understand better why I'm a classic video game collector and not
so much a computer game collector.

I may not be able to finish a game, but I sure can blather on, can't

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
                   Wanted:  Vintage Pac-M*n necktie
   (The asterisk is to keep from mucking up people's Usenet search
        results.  Replace it with an "a", if you didn't know.)

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