On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Jim Leonard wrote:
> "Stephen S. Lee" wrote:
> >
> > Someone said that only 1,500 of these were made, but given how often this
> > shows up and given that EA sold it directly until 2-3 years ago, I think
> > there were more than that.  It's still easily worth $100+ if everything's
> > there.
> I'm willing to pay $150 if it's complete, less if it's not.  If you
> could find me the exact title (ie what to search for on ebay without
> getting 2134 hits on "wing commander") I'd really appreciate it.

"Wing Commander Premiere" will generally bring it up, without any false
positives.  None are currently up, but one auction for a set that was
missing lots of stuff concluded on July 13.  "Wing Commander III" will get
most of the rest that aren't well-advertised, though you'll have to sift
through 30-40 bogus finds.

This seems to show up about once every 3-4 weeks on average (not
necessarily complete).

-- Stephen

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