Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>Hugh Falk wrote:
>> Another bit of trivia related to this....
>> Airheart was renamed "Typhoon Thompson: Search for the Sea Child" for other
>> platforms.  I'm not sure why they renamed it.  I'm most familiar with the ST
>> version, which is an EXCELLENT game.

I just scanned through the Gorlin interview from "Halcyon Days" again.
It seems "Typhoon Thompson" was more of an expansion on Airheart than
a port.  He says he wanted to do underwater cities and tunnels between
islands, but didn't have time.  I'll have to find this game now.

>I booted up Airheart for the first time on a real Apple II and HOLY CRAP that
>is an awesome programming effort!  Did Dan Gorlin do the graphics himself as

In "Halcyon Days," he says "we drew the largest versions of each
sprite by hand."  They were then scaled with proprietary tools.  I
assume "we" means he had a small team helping him.

>Side note:  Does anyone have any pointers on getting Apple II graphics
>programming info?  I am dying to learn how double-hires was accomplished and
>why you needed 128K bankswitching to do it.

I wish I could help, but I don't recall why it required 128K, if I
ever even knew.  I never really got into the guts of the //e.  I guess
that's why I'm a web developer now instead of a real coder. 8)

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
                   Wanted:  Vintage Pac-M*n necktie
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