Some of you noticed that Sir-Tech released last week Wizardry 8, the latest
installment of their great Wizardry saga. Maybe not all of you know that
due to finance issues, this is the last game Sir-Tech is making, as they're
closing down doors.

So one other RPG Legend is gone. Magic Candle is long gone, Bard's Tale
too, Ultima was died non-officially in 1993. Might & Magic is seriously
threatened due to cashflow problems. RPG gaming industry is getting
threatened by newcoming sagas with less quality and/or more arcade-ish RPGs
in opposition to the classic RPGs. Where's the future leading us to?

About Wizardry specifically, Stephen or others are more qualified to talk
about it than I am, but I will start anyway. Andrew Greenberg and Robert
Woodhead started the saga in 1984, which (arguably) reached its peak by
1991 with Wizardry 7, a creation of the ingenious D.W.Bradley. Bradley was
also behind 5 and 6, this last one having, IMHO, one of the best
storylines/plot/endings ever (knowing how demanding I am in terms of RPGs,
you can imagine how good this game is).

Now Wizardry 8 is on the streets, attempting to finish with a "golden key"
the History of Wizardry. Even without the magical hands of Andrew, Robert,
or Bradley, I am sure it will make it.

Long live Wizardry on the memories of RPG fans worldwide.


PS: "Trebor sux!" ;)

Pedro R. Quaresma
"So long, and thanks for all the fish"

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