On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> About Wizardry specifically, Stephen or others are more qualified to talk
> about it than I am, but I will start anyway. Andrew Greenberg and Robert
> Woodhead started the saga in 1984, which (arguably) reached its peak by
                               ^^^^ this number is too high by several
> 1991 with Wizardry 7, a creation of the ingenious D.W.Bradley. Bradley was
  ^^^^ and this should be 1992
> also behind 5 and 6, this last one having, IMHO, one of the best
> storylines/plot/endings ever (knowing how demanding I am in terms of RPGs,
> you can imagine how good this game is).

.. oh, about Wizardry 8: the contents are very minimalist, but the manual
is both very thorough and very funny.

-- Stephen

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