> Adding a question here Edward: can you too be a bit more descriptive
> about the cables? I don't understand a thing about audio audio cables,
> unfortunately.

>                 Sure.  I had the same problems myself.  I had to figure out what I needed
>by asking people and doing some websearches.

Thanks. I'm completely illiterate as far as "sound" is concerned, and the names in English wouldn't help me much if I were to go to a Portuguese sound shop ;)

>                 Ok, here are the cables and adapters you need to hook up an MT-32 to a
>sound card (I'm assuming a typical SoundBlaster or clone) with a MIDI port
>and a line-in jack.  Each of these links has a picture so you can see the
>exact cable.

If I'm hooking up a MT32 to a SB sound card does this mean I won't be needing the midi interface card anymore?

[snip needed items]

>                                  2)  Make sure you get the *mono* adapter.  I bought stereo adapters the
>first time around which won't work.  The mono adapter will connect properly
>to C which is what combines the two mono singles into a stereo signal for
>your sound card's line-in jack.

How do I distinguish the "mono" adapter from any "stereo" adapter? I have an adaptor pretty much like that one in the picture, but I don't know if it's a stereo or mono one...

>                                  3)                 On your sound card make sure you enable the line in and set the volume
>accordingly.  Also, if you are using the MT-32 under Windows you might need
>to change the control panel setting for a SoundBlaster so all MIDI stuff
>goes out through the MIDI port instead of to the SoundBlaster's MIDI unit.

What do you mean by "enable the line in"?

>                                  4)                 For my SC-55 I just needed A, C, & D.

The D was only need for a matter of distance between the Roland and the computer, I assume?

>>                 Once I built my retro-gaming PC (MS-DOS 6.22/WfW
>>                 3.11/Win98) I just  duplicated the setup on that
>> machine.  Now if I want to play the more  finicky games (Ultima VII) I
>> don't have to move hardware around.
> But you didn't port either your AWE64 or your SB Live! to your
> retro-gaming PC too, did you?

>                 I put the AWE64 (an Value version) in my retro-gaming PC.  Since I already
>had the card it was the easiest one to use, plus I thought it would be the
>most compatible card for older games.  The Live! would have been wasted
>there simply because it is a Live! Platinum and I have other Windows PCs
>where the LiveDrive would be more useful.  ;-)

I'll most probably use the SB16, since the SBPro is currently in use. For the games I'm wanting to play (U6, U7, BaK) I think it'll be enough.

>                 Oh, another thing I did was to use two video cards.  I use a Riva128 card
>for 2D graphics and a Voodoo2 (Diamond Monster with a 'whopping' 12MB of
>video RAM) for those games that support Glide.  The Riva128 is useful in
>that it also has Windows 3.x drivers for those times that I want to tempt
>fate and try to game under Windows 3.x.

Think I won't be needing that either, for the same reason above. :)

>                 I can give you a complete listing of what I did with that PC if you are

If possible, that would be great :)

>>                 I will say, however, that if you've gotten used to the
>>                 music of one type  of soundcard anything else will sound
>> odd at first.  Once the music burns  itself into your cerebral cortex
>> variations are unsettling.  :)
> I've noticed this when trying MT32 emulation with my SBAWE64 playing
> Ultima 6 actually :) I'll let you all know how it sounds with the "real
> thing".

>                 You might not notice a difference with Ultima 6.  I don't think Origin
>used the SysEx commands on the MT-32 in Ultima 6.  

At least the music must sound a bit better than with simply a SBPro!

>They most definitely did
>on Ultima VII and the AWE64 does _not_ emulate the SysEx commands.

Please explain a bit further. Are there SysEx messages too on MT32 when playing U7?

Thank you so much,

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informaçăo / Systems and Information Division.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

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