On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 05:42  PM, C.E. Forman wrote:

>> I am, unfortunately, in the position of looking at some serious
>> medical bills.  At this point if I could sell Drash for enough to make
>> a dent in those bills I would (it wouldn't be worth it for any thing
>> less -- I have enough minor stuff I can sell/auction off).
> Aw man, sorry to hear that, Fortran.  Nothing terminal, I hope.

        Nothing less than something terminal would get me to part with Drash.  

        Seriously, my wife has been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.  
Barring a miracle, the lung cancer is basically incurable.  I feel 
awkward bringing it up, but I'm interested in getting all the advice I 
can about selling Drash.

> I agree with Alexander's advice.  Sell your lesser stuff first if you 
> have
> to.  You can always find another big-box Ultima II, but that Drash is 
> pretty
> irreplaceable.  If you're auctioning stuff, let the other Dragons 
> know, and
> mention in your listings that it's for medical expenses: You might be
> surprised by how generous people are.  I remember when (the late) 
> George
> Alec Effinger when auctioning stuff to pay for his hospital bills, the 
> fans
> really came out to help him.

        I've thought about running a reserve price auction on Drash.  I know 
as a buyer reserves are annoying, but if I can't reach my reserve it 
wouldn't be worth selling the game.

        I've also thought about making the auction 'private' in the sense you 
wouldn't know who would be bidding on the game.  Do you all think that 
this would be a good idea or a bad one?

        I thought about posting the auction and the whys of the auction to the 
appropriate newsgroups.  I could also email some collectors/Ultima 
people such as John Romero or even Richard Garriott himself.  If I do 
this I would want to make a real production of it (for obvious 
reasons).  Any suggestions are welcome.  :)


Edward Franks

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