Boy, everybody clams up when Romero joins. 8)

While taking some time to visit relatives at the other end of the
state, I naturally took some time to visit a few thrift stores.  I
didn't find much in the way of classic video games (my primary hobby),
but I did find some interesting computer game stuff.  First, at a
somewhat out of the way thrift store, I found Computer Diplomacy and
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, both for the TRS-80, and Elite
Plus.  I'm hoping to get these and many other games up on eBay this

Of note for Infocom collectors is the March 1984 issue of _Discover_
that I found.  I thought this might be news, but I just now see
someone's already put it on the web
(  The
article really doesn't reveal anything Infocom fans don't already
know, but it was an interesting find for me as I was flipping through.
And it was sort of fun to see the old Charlie Chaplin IBM PC Jr. ads

Lee K. Seitz

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