Marco Thorek stated:
>It would be pretty neat if we could compile a list of magazines that ran
>articles and/or had ads of interest. 

As owner and, sadly, non-updater of the Classic Video Games Literature
List (, I would love
to see such a database (or even better, one for video games), too.  My
list only covers industry-specific periodicals and books, not general
periodicals that contained articles on topic.  However, I think the
software behind MobyGames could be converted to do either (or both).

Most modifications are obvious.  Instead of box scans, we have cover
scans.  Authors and editors instead of programmers.  And so on.  The
cool part would be if we could create a subject database so you could
quickly find articles related, for example, Infocom, Sid Meier, etc.
The tough part would be selecting the article/book topics.  You
probably wouldn't want to give the user a complete list of every game,
author, publisher, etc. to choose from.  I suppose the MobyGames way
of doing publisher and developer companies might work.  (Let users
type it in and present them with the matches, if there's more than

I'd love to do something like this, particularly if it included old
video game platforms, but I simply don't have the time for something
like this right now.

Lee K. Seitz

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