"Lee K. Seitz" schrieb:
> I meant to mention this in my last message.  Did everyone see the
> Slashdot story on the Catweasel
> (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/28/228255&mode=thread&tid=137)?
> It's a controller that supports multiple disk formats using a single
> drive.  It also lets you plug in an original SID chip so you can get
> true C-64 sounds from your PC.  Anyone planning on getting one?

Well, I'm at least interested. I have about 400 C64 disks and about 200
for the Amiga sitting in the basement. Some of the programs on it were
written by myself, others just mean fond memories. 

I actually had already thought about getting one of those serial cables
that hook a real 1541 to the PC, but always put it off. But I'd really
like to preserve those disks before they finally deteriorate.

But, well, will the "Catweasel" work in my loaded system and not
interrupt the fundamental balance of Interrupts? And where will I find a
5.25" PC disk drive? Haven't seen one of those in quite a while.


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