Stefan Lindblom stated:
>And yes, I have that Trail Map, still in shrink though so I dont know what
>it looks like.. have to get another one perhaps.. someday.

IIRC, it doesn't have much detail.  It's about like the maps in the
books, except a little less obviously made of hex-shaped pieces
(again, IIRC).

Do you have the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), or maybe Famicom
where you live, I'm not sure, version of DragonStrike?  Far inferior
to the PC version, which I have.  I never managed to finish it,
though.  I'll have to go back and try again someday.

>The sequel to Heroes of the Lance was called Dragons of Flame, same kind of
>"engine"(or lack of one). Both sucked, I agree, dont blame you for selling
>them. I of course have quite a few copies of them but I never said I was
>sane either ;)

Yeah, well ask my how many copies of Space Invaders or Missile Command
I have for the Atari 2600 and plan to keep.  (They're label

Lee K. Seitz

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