I was an AVID gamer in the 90's also...the reason why neither you nor I
heard of these games until after they were no longer widely (if at all)
available is that EB didn't carry any of them. Alice was made by a Japanese
company (Synergy Interactive) and was not widely distributed, although
cdaccess.com used to carry it. The other 4 titles were never released in the
US at all...only in the UK. Duckman in particular had such a limited release
that although people had heard of the game, they had never seen it in stores
and for years the popular belief was that the game had been cancelled.
Someone eventually found a German source for the game and this version is
now fairly readily available (the speech is in English, but the subtitles
are in German), but the English version is nearly impossible to find. I know
of only a couple of copies in existence.

Of the short list I gave, I have only played Duckman (the German release).
It was a very fun adventure game and I would recommend it. I can not attest
to the quality of the other titles mentioned (yet).

By the way, EB sucks these days. I went in there specifically to buy the PC
release of Shadow of Destiny, which incidentally is one of the best games
I've ever played. Pick up a copy for either PC or PS2 if you haven't
already. My experience in getting this game was a classic example of why
these titles become lost classics and eventually command high prices. Konami
actually advertised the game in PC Gamer, CGW, etc. but it didn't make its
release date and was rumored to have been cancelled. I eventually found out
months later (from a German Web site, no less) that the game had just been
released (late, and with no fanfare whatsoever), and that EB seemed to be
the only source for it. I went into 3 EBs and didn't see the game anywhere.
I asked the people behind the counter and they told me they didn't have the
game and had never heard of it. They looked in the back room and didn't find
any. I was persistent, though, and got them to look again, and finally I
found one. ("Oh, the computer says we only got in 1 copy.").


-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 1:20 AM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Current MobyGames poll

I was an AVID gamer in the 90's...even worked at EB in the early 90's and
never heard of one of the games you list below (aside from the ones with
licenses that I know).  Are these classic games that I somehow missed?
Should I be looking for them?  What makes them so valuable?


-----Original Message-----
From: Feldhamer, Stuart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 1:51 PM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Current MobyGames poll

I don't like this poll much. Currently, Kilrathi Saga is winning, but you
can buy a new shrinkwrapped Kilrathi Saga on ebay right now for $175. Last
night I saw a mint opened one for $125. What about the following games from
the 90s:

Alice: An Interactive Museum
Duckman (English version)
Orion Burger
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble
3 Skulls of the Toltecs

To name a few...I can think of a whole bunch more.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: [SWCollect] Current MobyGames poll

The current poll at www.mobygames.com is of interest to software collectors.

Check it out and vote.
The world's most comprehensive gaming database project.

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