I'm speechless, this is too much.

I can't remember the Terms of Agreement (or whatever it's called) when I joined eBay, but I'm sure there's something explicit against this sort of behaviour? Stefan was partially kidding, but someone _could_ sue eBay for having auctions with such images/remarks, and in that case I'm sure eBay with strike with full force on this individual.

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Admnistration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein

Assunto: [SWCollect] Chris Foreman's Gay Pride Shrine
"Stuart Feldhamer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
30-01-2003 01:25
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

Maybe you guys all noticed this part of the auction before, but I sure


He's got an image from the YOIS vault, and some (presumably gay) porn on the
monitor. This is a new low for Ebay...


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