Karl Kuras stated:
>Oh that brings back memories... heck I even bought those when I lived in
>Argentina (called Basuritas there).  What ever happened to collectable
>trading cards that weren't sports or CCGs?

Well, there are still some (primarily comic book, Star Trek, Star
Wars, or Disney based).  The collectible card market was affected by
the sports card boom of the '80s or '90s.  The industry "grew up" into
being a "true" collectible instead of something kids buy at the corner
store.  Now people buy them by the box instead of by the pack.  And
it's been years since you could get a piece of bubble gum with your
cards!  (Actually, considering the quality of the gum, I'm not sure
that's a bad thing.)

On the bright side, the cards production values have gone up, but this
also means they cost a lot more.  I have seen some cards other than
those listed above in the past few years, like Sesame Street, Mad
Magazine, and the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, but they seem to
inevitably end up in the bargain bin because they don't sell.  I think
the main problem is you can only find them at card and comic shops (or
a special section in Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) and no longer mixed in
with the candy bars.  They're no longer an "impulse buy" item.

Kinda like what's happened to action figures, but I digress...

Lee K. Seitz

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