Jim Leonard stated:
>"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
>> I look like this:
>> http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/images/lks1.jpg

>Oh good grief.  :)  Like I wrote earlier, some people want control over how
>they look.

Just to explain, that picture was taken by my wife while I was spray
painting some furniture for our soon-to-be-born (at the time) son's
room.  I like it because I'm wearing the hat (to keep the sun off),
sunglasses (for the sun again), and mask (for the paint fumes),
resulting in a photo of me that's completely unhelpful (beyond
establishing me as a skinny male caucasian).

There's more unhelpful pictures of me at
http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/family/Walter/p_yr1b.shtml. 8)  You
can actually find some better pictures of me if you browse around
Walter & his brother's woefully unupdated sites, but I'm gonna make
you guys dig. 

I had a page up with details on myself, but after some unknown
individual started signing me up for spam and magazine subscriptions,
plus sending e-mail in my name to congressmen saying I was for the
legalization of marijuana, I took it down.  (However, this page had
the picture I initially posted on it, too.)  The page didn't have any
personal info beyond my city and state, but that's enough to find my
full address when you've got a surname like Seitz in the U.S.  The
perpetrator had used that info to also figure out and send spam to my
work e-mail address, which before that was fairly pristine.

>We *all* collect software, so it's not like some of us are bigger geeks than
>the others :-D

Am too! 8)

Well, we can always make fun of the people collecting AOL disks.
Although I made more selling my lot of old AOL disks than I did those
Ultimas, Star Saga:  One, etc.

Lee K. Seitz

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