Thanks for correcting me Steve. Since the only UC I have is the one on U9DE, that was probably the Origin (haha little collector humour there) of my confusion.

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Admnistration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein

Assunto: Re: [SWCollect] Software collecting videos
Stephen Emond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
04-02-2003 09:18
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

RG is on the Ultima Collection CD. There are also other RG / U9 related movies that were included with various magazine cover discs. If anyone's dying to know which I'll flip through them...
----- Original Message -----
From: Pedro Quaresma
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Software collecting videos

- There's a VHS tape in the game Daemonsgate, no idea if it has any promotional video or not.

- I believe there are some Richard Garriott videos in the Ultima 9 Dragon Edition CDs? At least one of him explaining the Virtues

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Admnistration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein


Assunto: [SWCollect] Software collecting videos
Jim Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
03-02-2003 23:39
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

Origin Museum wrote:
> 1.  Direct Sale from EA--This was the FULL package, obtainable only via mail-order.  This included the game (in the film canister), the music CD, the VHS video, the T-Shirt, the 'Behind The Screens' CD, and the 1995 Wing Commander calendar.  This version came in a BROWN Cardboard Mailing Box, with the extras packaged OUTSIDE the canister...there was NO 'game box' for this version.

Small change of subject:  Does anyone here have this VHS tape?  I am not going
to beg for a copy, but I wanted to tell you guys that in the next few months I
am going to finally start another DVD video project, this one an effort to
preserve video relevant to software collectors, and I have contacts who are
willing to lend me their copies of the Sierra promotional tapes of the late
1980s for it.  Also scheduled was the "making of" Wing Commander VHS tape,
which is why I bring it up because I don't have a copy.

The DVD produced by the project would be sold a few bucks above cost (probably
through CustomFlix so that I don't have to deal with fullfillment).  The goal
of the project would be to:

- Professionally dump the video in 4:2:2 for proper mastering to DVD's 4:2:0
(no cheap DV conversions)
- Clean up the video (remove noise, color correction, exposure/white level
- Clean up the audio (remove noise, remaster audio (game soundtracks) where
- Author to DVD with simple menu and chapter points
- Professional-grade MPEG-2 encoding

All of this was done for MindCandy so I already have the tools and knowledge.
The scope of this project was "behind the scenes" and/or "making-of" videos --
inside trivia stuff that any collector would drool over.  So, so far, I can
only think of four:

- Sierra promo videos (1989 and 1990 I believe I have contacts for, were there
any more?)
- 7th Guest "making-of" bundled with early versions (I have this)
- Wing Commander VHS tape (I do not have this)

Can anyone think of any more?

(Also:  There are some CDROM videos that may fall into this scope, like the
Ken & Roberta interview snippets on CDROM bundled with the Robert Williams
collection, and I can remember a Robert Williams promo interview on some CDROM
gaming multimedia magazine that was popular in the mid 1990s, but I haven't
decided on including those yet.  I can make crappy AVIs look pretty damn good
through motion vectoring tricks, but I was only going to include them if the
original sources had been lost.)
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