----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Leonard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I also have another Origin promotional tape, that was distributed to
software stores circa 1989.  They are cheaply made advertisements for old
Origin games like Windwalker, Knights of Legend, 2400 AD, and another (no
Ultima tho.)  They were obviously made 'in-house', and they are not the
best-produced commercials that I've ever seen, but they are an interesting
look at the birth of computer game advertising.  Again, if you get the
permissions, I'd be glad to contribute!  :)
> Who would I talk to about that?  EA or someone else?  EA hadn't purchased
> Origin by that time.
> --

Unfortunately when EA bought Origin out they also got the rights to all of
their older titles. So one way or another you will likely have to deal with
EA directly for permission...


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