Jim Leonard stated:
>Digitized sound on any machine without dedicated sound hardware:

>Digitized sound on the IBM PC that did *not* halt the computer and had 
>*no* distortion:

This brings to mind an old game called Star Trek:  The Nth Iteration.
It used "ANSI graphics," but played actual clips from the original
show over the PC's speaker.  I was amazed at the time.  It was the
early '90s and I had only had a IBM PC-compatible for a year or two.

I've just discovered it's still available on the web from the author:
http://www.idcomm.com/personal/lorenblaney/.  Source code is even
included, although it turns out it's written in XPL0, a language I was
not previously aware of.  The sound routines are written in assembly.

Lee K. Seitz

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