> Urgle.
> <http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?
> ViewItem&item=3068542018&category=3545&rd=1>

Anybody on this group have anything to 'fess up?  B-)

> Now we have a whopping two data points ;-) for just the cassette.
> $865 and $765.  Trying to estimate or guesstimate the price of the
> complete game is making my head hurt.  I'm still stuck in the mindset
> that $250 for a complete game is an insane amount.

Most of the time it is.  I've paid prices I'm embarrassed to admit, now that
more have turned up.  A lot of it is fear you'll never get another chance.
Would you rather pay $100 extra and get it now, or risk waiting, kind of

> So, to revisit a discussion, how do the rest of you try to estimate
> the market value of these types of games?  What would, say, the first
> release of Zork -- the PDP-11 version -- be worth?

Brian Moriarty estimates that less than 50 of these were ever sold.  Look at
his closing prices, factor in that it's an actual game rather than a
commemorative giveaway, major historical value... I'd say at least $2-3K,
likely more.

> This is really the
> hard part of being a dealer of collectibles.  What is your thought
> process in determining the market value of a collectible?

Heh, ordinarily I look at eBay's completeds, see what others are paying.
For rare stuff you hardly ever see, though, I'd probably open the sale high,
then drop it a bit if no one is interested for that price.  You can always
lower the price if no one takes it, but if you sell too low you're stuck.

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