Those are neither folio nor grey.  What you have are the Commodore re-issues of Infocom games.  Unfortunately these are probably the most commonly available shrink-wrapped Infocom's you can find :-(

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Lindblom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jan 7, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value

My mistake, I meant I take these are the folio ones. I should probably go and sleep now before I get a label of stupidity here :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 2:42 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value

I thought I recalled having seen one of these mentioned, although I dont know which one. I picked up a bunch of games half a year ago, and among them were the C-64 version of Deadline. I am a bit noob though since I cant tell whether or not this is a folio or "grey". It is flat, like a fold out thing. Sounds like a folio, right? On the front it is blue at the top, white in the middle with the Deadline documentary evidence picture, and grey/silver with the Commodore logo at the bottom. The whole backside is the same grey/silver color as the front bottom. I also found suspended with the pretty much identical flat box. Both are sealed so I cant check any further. I take it these are the grey ones and therefore of pretty low interest?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 2:30 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value

Interesting. Perhaps very few copies were published since it was the last of the four Infocomics and the other ones had relatively little success?

Yes, I was referring to the $19.99 "Buy It Now". That Deadline grey is interesting.... I just saw a shrinkwrapped Deadline folio go for $29.99 (although that was a "Buy It Now" as well). Come to think of it though, Deadline folios seem to come up on eBay fairly regularly - and a good number of them are still in the shrink. In fact, I think I've seen more Deadline folios than Deadline greys over the last few years.

I agree with you on actual vs perceived value. Actually, until last year, I didn't particularly care for Infocomics, which I perceived as relatively uninteresting computer comic book experiments. Only after finding a three-pack of them as part of a larger bundle of software did I decide I should try to get the last one. On the other hand, Suspended and Starcross were no brainers... and I suspect they are on many software collectors' lists.

Marco Thorek wrote:
Stephane Racle schrieb:
One package I had never seen on eBay until tonight was Zorkquest II.
I've seen all the other Infocomics about a hundred times, but never that
one. Is it that uncommon? One would think they'd be plenty of copies
lying around...

It indeed is that uncommon. Much more so than a Starcross saucer,
Suspended mask or sealed Fooblitzky. I have been on ebay now for five
years and only saw it once and that one was even sealed. 

I managed to win that auction for a mere $50, as there was only one
other serious bidder. And the current auction you probably talked about
ended with $19.99 via "Buy it now." On the other hand I was outbid
several times on a number of Fooblitzkys, which do turn up every other

Maybe we have to differentiate between actual value, which considers
factors such as rarity and item condition, and perceived value.

Looking through ebay's completed auctions I just saw a Deadline grey go
for $76... 


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