Pedro Quaresma wrote:

Ever got bored at those RPGs with turn-based combat, in which your level 78 hero has to face yet another rat? Wish it would be over in a second? This combat system solves that "flaw" of oh so many RPGs with turn-based combat.

Arcanum had an "automatic turn-based" or something or other option that allowed you to select an enemy and it would switch into real-time to attack that enemy until it was gone, then switch back into turn-based, IIRC. That was nice.

 >(Ironically, Wheel of Time, a game based on a Robert Jordan novel, is
 >actually a very good game.  The "ancientspeak" is thick and heavy but
 >since it's an action adventure it's not as irritating.)

When the game was released I was still fairly interested in RJ's books. I never got the game though because I read it had a shallow plot and basically played like a FPS.

It does but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. For the time it came out it had the most recent Unreal Tournament engine and they used it well, so it looks very nice. Also, there are some very novel things in it that I have never seen in FPS games; for example, some of your "weapons" are actually things like building walls, spikes, and pits via magic. There are scenarios where you could never hope to fight your way out of, so you have to quickly build a trap using all three elements, so imagine yourself frantically constructing a maze of walls to direct people to your spikes and pit while you hear them charging, getting closer and closer... you get the idea. Also, it had over 40 different "spells" (weapons) so it was never boring.

I've been told all the Robert Jordan fans love the game, so I'd recommend it. I can't read RJ novels myself.
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