Tomas Buteler stated:
>Both console (and components) and games were
>manufactured in Brazil, but strictly the same as their
>import equivalents. I believe there are none exclusive
>Brazilian games (maybe compilations, I don't know too
>well), but most hits for the console were reproduced
>by a Brazilian company called CCE. The games are the
>same, yet cartridge labels have CCE's logo on the

That much I knew.  I really don't know if there are any exclusivly
Brazilian 2600 games, but I'm sure there are some released there that
didn't make it to the U.S.  AtariAge ( will let you
pull up a list of South American cartridges, but sometimes it's
difficult to tell a localized name from a non-U.S. game.

>Imports are your best bet (again, don't know for sure
>if there would be PAL-M - Brazilian standard -
>incompatibility issues with local carts),

Yes, there are, but it has to do with the TV, not the console.  I have
a PAL game (not sure which version of PAL).  It plays on my console,
but the extra scanlines cause the image to roll.  And I seem to lack a
TV that still has a vertical hold knob.

OTOH, I understand NTSC 2600 games will play on PAL TVs, but the
colors will be wrong or it will revert to black and white.

Lee K. Seitz

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