How many sellers would tell a buyer they are paying too much?

Anyhow, it really is an ethical question. If I knew the seller was in
dire need for the money, then I wouldn't buy it and tell him the true
worth of his item.

But under normal circumstances my decision would be as this: I came to
the opportunity of buying the game cheap as I had the knowledge of its
worth and I take it as granted that the same knowledge could have been
available to the seller as well. 

The vice versa also applies to the buyer in case he feels he paid too


> Just curious, how do people here feel about buying an item you know is
> valuable but the person selling does not? Such as collectable
> software. Do you feel funny bargaining down a price when you know it
> is worth a lot more than what you are paying? I kind of figured myself
> that the knowledge of what is valuable justifies paying a low price,
> the person selling does not have that knowledge, we do (when it comes
> to collectable software at least). I just sold an item I've had since
> the early 80s (not software). Got what I thought was a so so price,
> but turns out it was worth about 4-5 times what I sold it for (not a
> cheap item either). Felt kind of bad but learned something from the
> deal which will help me in the future. What do you all think? Ever
> feel guilty buying a game for $5 that you know is worth maybe $100 or
> more?
> Tom
> Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of
> Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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