Well, I don't really track PC data too closely anymore since I'm doing only
console games.  However, 250K units on a console would usually be a failure.
The only reason you can get away with such small sales on the PC is the
lower cost of PC titles (don't have to pay Sony royalties and don't need
special dev kits for example).  AAA console games are going to hope to sell
500K units or more.

In total, The Sims (series) has probably sold over 10 million units by now
(I've stopped counting).  Blizzard and Id games sell several million units
each, too.  I don't think any major publisher would even start a PC game
project if they didn't hope for more than 250K units.  Of course, you can do
titles for smaller budgets, but it's unlikely to happen at a major company
like Lucas.

A problem with the games industry right now is that the top 25 games each
year make a majority of the money.  #1 - #5 often selling millions of units.
The rest of the top 25 selling several hundred thousand.  Many of the rest
often lose money.  This is turning the games industry into a hit-driven
market (like the movie industry).  The trend is to see less games being made
and hoping for more profit on each.  EA is making fewer games but more
revenue:  2000 = 68 SKUS with $1.3B in revenue, 2002 = 58 SKUs with $2.5B


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Sam & Max II

Hugh Falk wrote:
> (generously) $20 per unit profit, the need to sell 250,000 units to break
> even.  This would require it to be a moderate success in the PC realm.

That is depressing.  Is that standard across the industry right now?  I
think of many titles selling 250,000 units in today's market that aren't The

Sims or Barbie's Pet Rescue.
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