Interesting development. Freind overseas made mistake, sent partial paypal balance, partial Ccard payment to my "free" acct which cannot take ccards. So I had to "deny" it as I don't want to "upgrade" that acct. He says the money went back into his paypal balance. Perhaps this is because it was part ccard, part balance to begin with, it could not return to two "places". If so people overseas or US buyers could send me (or you) $1 paypal balance and the rest ccard. To "free" acct. Then I deny and they get it all back in paypal balance. Can then resend to "free" acct, NO FEES!!! Tres cool, will test this out........... Those buggers (paypal) are going to pay for stealing from me, this is good "revenge" right here, feel free to "join the party"


Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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