Freddie Bingham wrote:
Again .. I still disagree for the simple fact that a game can
re-shrinkwrapped and one can obtain the same quality of wrap that most games

That is not true at all -- I can identify with greater than 99% accuracy whether or not something has been re-wrapped. And although Chris has never worked in a software store, I'll bet he can easily hit 95%-99% as well.

were shipped in (the softer, more pliable wrap). Take a hole punch to it
> A LOT more re-wrapping went on at Babbage's though as we had pretty low

How do you hole-punch something that has already been wrapped? Having worked at Babbage's, you know how the process works -- on heating, the wrap contracts, so you couldn't punch it beforehand (it would expand and distort). And if you know of a way to hole-punch wrap after it has been wrapped, please explain it to me :-) Finally, the feel of store rewraps is much crisper and more brittle than factory, so it's really almost impossible to do this properly.

I think I need to work on that illustrated FAQ idea...

How do you guys use this scale anyway? I've had games quoted to me a few
times based on this, and in my experience, the grades are always over-blown
unless it is something from Chris' store.

Do not blame the grading scale for that, blame dishonest people!

Personally, I don't grade games as my perspective will be different than
yours so I just send pictures.

I would rather have both a picture and a grade, because unless you're going to take well-lit pictures with a 3MP or higher camera from multiple angles, it isn't going to represent the item properly.
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