Man am I glad work was busy today and I missed this one.  Christ.  B-)

Since this thread's died down as of about 6:00 today I won't help jump-start
it again, except to say I'm glad to hear people find my ratings of my sale
items accurate and useful.  I've always tried to err toward "F(S)" rather
than "MS", just because it's better to have a buyer pleasantly surprised by
the condition than disappointed with it.

As for reshrinks... well, that's a whole other subject we've also brought up
lots before.  B-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Freddie Bingham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Ouch

> Again .. I still disagree for the simple fact that a game can
> re-shrinkwrapped and one can obtain the same quality of wrap that most
> were shipped in (the softer, more pliable wrap).  Take a hole punch to it
> and you will fool most people.  Add to that all of the games that are
> floating about that were re-shrinwrapped after being returned to a
> store. I, as well, know about this having worked at Babbage's and Egghead.
> A LOT more re-wrapping went on at Babbage's though as we had pretty low
> standards when it came to quality, you had to have written on the box to
> it defected (generalization).
> How do you guys use this scale anyway? I've had games quoted to me a few
> times based on this, and in my experience, the grades are always
> unless it is something from Chris' store. A shrinkwrapped game that has
> bowing on the side or a crease on the flap is not MS (just something I've
> been told and sold before).  There is a valley between F(S) and MS, yet
> people have no problem liberally throwing MS about when it does not apply.
> Personally, I don't grade games as my perspective will be different than
> yours so I just send pictures.
> Freddie
> Lucasarts Museum -

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