Hello Everyone!
It’s time for an Apple II Reunion Party!  The last one in August 1998 was a huge success and I’m hoping this one will be just as great.  Instead of having the party in Dallas as I did last time, we’ll be doing this one in Malibu, CA at the residence of John Garcia, owner of Novalogic and, some of you may remember, the author of Zaxxon on the Apple II.  The house is on 3 acres in a private community in Malibu and close to the beach.  There will be food, hundreds of people, a fireworks barge, and lots of fun!
The date is July 4th, 2004.  If you RSVP by emailing me back, please provide your physical address so I can mail you an invitation you can keep for posterity.  You’ll need to tell me how many people are coming.  C’mon – you gotta come to this one!  Here’s a link to a story about the last one: http://www.gamespot.com/features/apple2/

We already have some people confirmed:
Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple and inventor of the Apple II)

Bill Budge (Raster Blaster, Pinball Construction Set)
Bob Bishop (Applevision, Dung Beetles, Money Munchers)
Mark Turmell (Sneakers, Free Fall, Beer Run)

Jordan Mechner (Karateka, Prince of Persia)
Robert Woodhead (Wizardry)

Andrew Greenberg (Wizardry)

Chuck Beuche (Caverns of Callisto, Laff Pak, Lunar Leeper)

Al Tommervik and Margot Comstock (Softalk magazine)

Jordan Mechner (Karateka)

Mike Westerfield (ORCA/M assembler)

Robert McNally (Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory, Ghostbusters)

John Miles (Ultima V, Ultima VI)

Brian Fitzgerald (Taxman, founder of H.A.L. Labs)

Brian Fargo (Bard’s Tale, founder of Interplay)

Paul Edelstein (Way Out!)

Brent Iverson (Quasar II, Deluxe Paint II)

Dan Illowsky (Snack Attack)

Bob Andrews (Sea Wolf, Death Race)

Mark Caldwell (Might & Magic series)

…and more to come!



John Romero

Project Lead, Gauntlet

Midway Home Entertainment


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