I only skimmed this, but it may be useful to you.  More so than my


It talks about an animation loop.  Appears to be java or js, but that's
close enough to AS to gleen something useful maybe.

* Seth Markowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 3/5/07, Jon Molesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Nice solution to a problem.  Mind if I include this in the wip
> >documentation as an example?
> what is the "wip" documentation? -- sure.. you can use the example in the
> doc.
> In either case, your issue isn't so much with swfmill as it is a
> >mathematical conversion from ms to fps.  Is that a correct assessment?
> You're absolutely right.  The real question here is what is a good formula
> for converting milliseconds to frames.  Right now I'm doing this in my perl
> script:
> $fps = 15;
> $frameNum = int($millisecondTimeStamp/1000 * $fps);
> My first thought is to decide on a fps rate that you'd like to have.
> >Then there _could_ be total of 1000 fps with the framegrabber. A fps of
> >12 fps is a good speed for the human eye I believe?? Double check on that.
> >You'd have to figure out which block the captured frame fell into and
> >place it
> >in that frame.  On a 12 second frame rate, 1 frame would contain
> >83.33ms.  So you'd just have to figure out what which block the captured
> >frame fell into.  swfmill frame second1-frame1~=84ms,
> >second1-frame2~=168ms... and so on.
> >It's too early to come up with a formula, but maybe later, or maybe
> >someone else can develop that.  Anyway, I hope it helps and is close to
> >correct.  But that's the way I see it.
> >
> >* Seth Markowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm a newbie to swfmill, but I did get it working for my purposes... I'm
> >> just trying to figure out how to make it more efficient.  Here is my
> >> situation:
> >>
> >> Here's my inventory:
> >> 1. I have 1000 jpg images taken from a vga frame grabber - NOT in frames
> >per
> >> second... the timing is variable.  For example, file1.jpg was grabbed at
> >> 30ms, file2.jpg was grabbed at 400ms, file3.jpg at 410ms, an so on. The
> >time
> >> starts from Time == 0ms when the frame grabber was turned on.
> >>
> >> 2. I have an XML file called capture.xml  that contains the timestamp in
> >> milliseconds for when each jpg was captured:
> >>
> >>    <Capture>
> >>      <FileName>Slide_0020.jpg</FileName>
> >>      <SlideNumber>20</SlideNumber>
> >>      <CaptureTime>64174</CaptureTime>
> >>    </Capture>
> >>    <Capture>
> >>      <FileName>Slide_0021.jpg</FileName>
> >>      <SlideNumber>21</SlideNumber>
> >>      <CaptureTime>64869</CaptureTime>
> >>    </Capture>
> >>
> >> So....
> >> By putting all the jpg files together into a SWF via swfmill, I should
> >have
> >> a fairly descent "flipbook" type animation.  I've created a perl script
> >to
> >> parse the capture.xml file and creates a swfml file that looks like
> >this:
> >>
> >> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
> >> <movie width="640" height="480" framerate="15">
> >>  <background color="#ffffff"/>
> >> <frame>
> >>    <!-- frame:0  ptime:54 -->
> >>    <library>
> >>        <clip id="image1" import="Slide_0001_Full_resize.jpg" />
> >>    </library>
> >>    <place id="image1" name="myImage1" x="0" y="0" depth="1" />
> >> </frame>
> >> <frame/><frame/><frame/><frame/><frame/><frame/><frame>
> >>    <!-- frame:6  ptime:408 -->
> >>    <library>
> >>        <clip id="image2" import="Slide_0002_Full_resize.jpg" />
> >>    </library>
> >>    <place id="image2" name="myImage2" x="0" y="0" depth="2" />
> >> </frame>
> >> <frame/><frame/><frame/><frame/><frame/><frame>
> >>    <!-- frame:11  ptime:752 -->
> >>    <library>
> >>        <clip id="image3" import="Slide_0003_Full_resize.jpg" />
> >>    </library>
> >>    <place id="image3" name="myImage3" x="0" y="0" depth="3" />
> >> </frame>
> >>
> >> .....
> >>
> >> Right now this is klunky because I'm trying to convert the millisecond
> >> timestamp into frames per second.  For example, if I want to run this
> >> animation at 10fps, I know that the jpg captured at 100ms will appear in
> >> frame 1 and so on (is that right??).  So what happens in between each
> >> frame... if  file1.jpg is captures at 10seconds before file2.jpg, I just
> >> stick (10x10) 100 <frame /> tags as filler in between the two
> >images.  There
> >> must be a better way than this.  Also, since I'm converting from
> >> milliseconds to frames per second... I think I'm losing a lot of
> >precision.
> >>
> >> How could I create this "flipbook" effect, given the inventory above
> >using
> >> swfmill simple?
> >>
> >> I think this is a pretty interesting problem and I really wanted to
> >thank
> >> the creators of swfmill... it's a great solution to this type of
> >thing.  I
> >> was orginally trying to create an AVI file from this series of jpg
> >files,
> >> but it got way too complicated for me.
> >>
> >> Looking forward to some suggestions!!
> >>
> >> Seth
> >
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> swfmill mailing list
> >> swfmill@osflash.org
> >> http://osflash.org/mailman/listinfo/swfmill_osflash.org
> >
> >
> >--
> >Jon Molesa
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >swfmill mailing list
> >swfmill@osflash.org
> >http://osflash.org/mailman/listinfo/swfmill_osflash.org
> >

> _______________________________________________
> swfmill mailing list
> swfmill@osflash.org
> http://osflash.org/mailman/listinfo/swfmill_osflash.org

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