Hello Kriss,
you are right, swfmill isn't normally built with MSVC. The windows
builds are compiled with MinGW.

The delete in swft_import_ttf.cpp is wrong, the string should be freed
with xmlFree. I've committed this change to the SVN, this should fix the

Another Windows user also had problems with PNGs some time ago. He found
a "solution", that solved his problem:
http://osflash.org/pipermail/swfmill_osflash.org/2007-May/001318.html .
Perhaps this also works for you. It would be nice if you can find the
cause of this crash. I wasn't able to reproduce it using the Linux
binary or the windows binary with Wine.


> using a copy of the current trunk, There where a number of standard
> msvc problems that lead me to believe that this code is not normally
> built with msvc, yes?
> Apart from fixing those obvious things and of course sorting out
> versions of the required libs and a gadzillian warnings, I only found
> one tiny problem.
> this line here...
> https://trac.xixs.com/wet/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/browser/pc/_src/swfmill/mytrunk/src/swft/swft_import_ttf.cpp#L313
> The delete asserts and looking at the code I suspect you might not
> have to delete that string? But I know nothing of the libs involved so
> thought I would ask. Commenting out the line works and it is only a
> small string so... :)
> The reason I went to this trouble is I've been getting random crashes
> on reading pngs, very annoying, slight changes to the pngs or even
> using another machine cause it to go away so it is one of _those_
> bugs. I figure if I have a debug build to hand I might be able to spot
> whats going wrong while it is happening.
> Its been getting worse recently as I've been building swfs with more
> and more pngs in them but it has been happening randomly with the last
> few builds.
> At the moment just building my own trunk version seems to have fixed
> everything, maybe you've been linking with a bad png library for the
> windows builds?

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