2009/10/28 Sumeet Kumar <sume...@sebiz.net>:
> The problem was in the xml which i was using. I was trying to create a
> Arial.swf using the command "swfmill simple test.xml Arial.swf"
> and in the test.xml i was trying to import Arial.swf. This was working fine
> in standalone flash player. But not in Visual Basic 6.0. And the problem was
> that Arial.swf was trying to import Arial.swf and thus getting stuck in a
> recursive loop. I am not sure why it was working fine in stand alone flash
> player.
> I will try some other work arounds to create the fonts now.

If you’re embedding the font in the SWF in which it will be used, you
should just drop the <Import> tag. The <Import url="..."/> part is a
hack that is only required if you’re trying to do dynamic font loading
in Flash 8 or lower — that is if you’re trying to create a SWF font
that can be loaded in at runtime. I don’t understand why it works
either, but I’m not surprised to hear that it causes problems in some


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