2009/11/28 jean-michel.voicechat_fan <jeanmichel.g...@free.fr>:
> still not that i want to do
> i am able to declare now global variable and global function  but that
>  global function cannot access a textfield


> thanks any way and I believe  that  it is not possible

Mon dieu!

C'est la fin des haricots?  Main non, jean michel.  Prendre le taureau
par les cornes!  C'est possible.
C'est très simple.  Un example..

.flash filename="oneclass.swf" bbox=420x440 version=9 fps=12 background=#666666
 .edittext log width=400 height=550 color=red multiline html
 .put log x=0 y=0
    package {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.text.TextField ;
        public var users: Array=new Array ;
        public dynamic class Main extends MovieClip {
                public function trace (s){

                public function Main() {
                        var i="";
                        var nms=new Array("jean","marc","eric","paul");
                        for each (i in nms) {
                          this.log.text+=i + "\n";
                        this.log.text+="Zut Alors!:";
                        this.log.text+=" \n";
                        trace("C'est possible! ;o)");

 .end # action
.end # .flash

> my english is not very fluent please don't use complicated expression :)

Mon français n'est pas aisé aussi! ;o)



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