On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 21:45:01 +0200
Oliver Kindernay <oliver.kinder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am trying to code my own pdf viewer.

Try the wiki to start with..


Check out the third link in the pdf2swf FAQS section.

> I've this found a viewer code on this mailing list:
> package {

If I may say make so bold, that's lot of AS3 code for very little result! ;o)

You'll find other, more effective viewer code, in the 'swfs' folder from the
SWFTools distribution. Choice of C, AS2, and SWF.  Python versions there too
if it's compiled in. 

> I compile it with mxmlc from Flex4 SDK.

Why, when SWFTools has ASĀ£ compile?

>I am using Linux with Firefox(flash 10), if it matters.

It doesn't really, no.

> How to resize MovieClip object to width/height of swf with
> pdf document ? Thanks.

Basically you are loading your pdf2swf created swf into a movieclip container. 
pdf2swf looks for that object under the name 'viewport'  If you choose to code
your own viewer, and load pdf's on the fly, then that object can take any name
you wish.
movieclip dimensions are manipulated in the same way as you would an other
object. By the use of the width, height, and scale parameters. For example,


HTH helps!



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