On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 18:56:28 +0200
ander...@notam02.no wrote:

> Hello all.
> Im trying to get streamed audio in to a .swf here, but i only get as far
> as including a local mp3-file, trying to include an URL as the filename
> doesn't work it seems:
>  .button play
>         .show button_area as=area
>         .show button_idle as=idle
>         .show button_hover as=hover
>         .show button_pressed as=pressed
>         .on_press:
>          var mySound = new Sound();
>         mySound.loadSound("check.mp3", True);
>           // doesnt work:
>         // mySound.loadSound("http://url.to.sounds/check.mp3";, True);
>             mySound.play();
>          .end
> .end
> Ive been using flowplayer to get audio-streams on webpages, so i know
> its possible, but would rather roll my own if possible.
> Any links to examples, docs, hints towards this? 
> Thanks,
> -anders

Try the 'sound' sode snippet from here Anders,


There's also some old stuff, I put here,


Anything you can do with Flowplayer, you can do with SWFTools. Whats more,
( at least IMHO ), it way easier to handle. ;o)

If any further issues, or you'd like a few more examples, then just mail
the list.



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