On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:29:19 +0200
ander...@notam02.no wrote:

> settings_manager at the macromedia site displays as if no css or
> something, white, pale, non-layout, and tells me i need flashplayer?!

That's either because you really don't *have* Flash Player installed,
or something else is taking precedence.

> Trying to download it seems to rely on me having flashplayer installed?
> I can choose which version of FP id like to install for my system, but
> theres no way to start downloading...

That's simply sorted. Start from here,


and follow the links to get the current Linux version.
> flash-content, what have i got in my Opera then? 
> about:plugins tells me:
> Shockwave Flash
> application/futuresplash                FutureSplash Player   spl


Old.  Probably won't like the current version.  I'd remove it, and
replace with the official Flash plug-in.

> application/x-shockwave-flash           Shockwave Flash         swf
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so

Same there.  What happened to,

        libflashplayer.so  ??

>     C> Worth maybe disabling swf-dec as well ( not something I use )?
>     C> It could easily be getting in the way.
> Thats just a cli to play swf-files (from swftools i beleive).

Not part of swftools.  Is there any point using it until you've sorted
the issues?  Because you can play swf files back in several ways, including
in your browsers ( that is if the correct plugins are in place ). If you want
to see the swf embedded then simply use,

  swfdump -e ( or -X  ) yourfile.swf > yourfile.html 
>     C> Nice.  True what wikipedia says?  Still the worlds most expensive
>     C> city?
> Dont know where it is on the ranking-lists, and obviously it depends
> much on what you use your money for...




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