On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 07:29:22 +0200
Benjamin Wolsey <b...@benjaminwolsey.de> wrote:

> Am Freitag, den 08.10.2010, 14:02 -0800 schrieb Jeff Harmon:
> > Hi all!  We're trying to generate a JPEG preview of the first frame of 
> >  SWF files and wondering if swftools or any other utility might be able 
> >  to achieve this.  We're seeking an open source, cross-platform solution 
> >  if possible.
> Gnash can do this from the commandline. The advantage over swftools is
> that Gnash executes ActionScript (only AS1 and AS2), which is often
> needed to display the SWF correctly.

Err.. swftools components executes Actionscript as well as swfc script Benjamin,
in case you hadn't noticed.  It also compiles AS3.  The main problem, if you see
it as one, is that some of the tools are currently semi-stand-alone.  Plenty of 
hooks into the libraries though, especially via the gfx interface.   So, 
there's good and not so good on both sides. ;o)

I'm only just checking out Gnash... which is a little hungry on the dependency



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