>On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 19:43:00 +0200
>Pablo Rodríguez <oi...@web.de> wrote:

Let us try again Pablo.  This time without the excess text!

> I know that the method worked fine, at least with a previous version and 
> not having sound any of the couple of movies.
> But I wouldn't discard a bug in embedding SWF video.

There is no bug. It doesn't play properly, because you are preventing it
from doing so.  Do this,


.flash filename="this.swf" bbox=841x545 version=7 fps=50 background=#002600
.swf movie "thisland.swf"

.frame 1
     .put movie
#     .stop movie
         movie._x = (Stage.width - movie._width) / 2;
         movie._y = (Stage.height - movie._height) / 2;

.frame 2
#     .del movie



and your movie will play through to the end perfectly.

Now take a closer look, and see if you can see where ( and why ) you caused
it to bork. ;o)


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